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Regime Type:

Without Eggs, Strict PKD (No Allowances)

Christmas Pâté Yule Logs'

Introduction & Inspiration

These Yule logs are very straightforward to make and provide a super tasty snack that you can serve over the festive period!
These rolls can also be made sweet with a touch of honey - see my other Christmas Pâté & Honey Yule Logs’.
I hope you will enjoy these!
X Nic

Recipe Overview

Preparation Time

Less than 30 minutes

Cooking Time

Less than 30 minutes

Serving Size

8 rolls (each sheet will make 4 rolls)

Ingredients for the rolls:

2 x Beef Tripe Sheets With Beef (each sheet will make 4 rolls):


100g Pressure Cooked Beef Tripe

50g Minced Meat - Cooked

75ml Hot Water / Bone Broth

60g Oven Roasted Bone Marrow (scooped out of the bone and warm)

Ingredients for the filling:

20g Liver Parfait per roll (20g x 8 = 160g in total)

Recipe Instructions

Instructions for the rolls:

Preheat oven to 175c  (convection- middle shelf)


Place all ingredients into a blender and blend for 1 minute or so until the mixture is smooth.


Grease a silicone baking mat with tallow or lard.


Pour 100ml of the mixture on to the silicone mat on a baking tray and spread out a thin layer of the mixture using a spatula.


Place the baking tray in the oven and cook for 14 minutes (check often towards the end of the cooking time)


Assembly Instructions:

Place the beef tripe sheets with beef on a wooden chopping board and cut each sheet into 4 width ways.

Add 20g of pâté to one end of the roll so that it is evenly spread out, so that when the strip is rolled, you can see the pâté sticking out of the sides.

Place the rolls on a serving plate and enjoy straightaway, or alternatively store the rolls in a glass container with a lid on, until you are ready to serve them.



Check out my Bone Broth - Pressure Cooker and Liver Parfait recipes for instructions on how to make these.

These taste lovely warm and cold!

It's always nice as well to have a few variations of liver pâté on hand so that you can have a few flavour variations for the rolls.

Ideally, purchase your meat from pasture raised animals that are Nitrate, Nitrite & Additive Free.


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