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  • Sauces & Condiments | Nicola's Kitchen

    Regime Type: Without Eggs, PKD (With Allowances) Rosemary Infused Tallow Introduction & Inspiration This rosemary infused tallow is lovely and fragrant with a little sweetness and crunch provided by the pork crackling crumbs and honey. The tallow is delicious as a condiment for use in sweet and savoury dishes alike. It also spreads really well straight from the fridge. Let me know what you think. X Nic Recipe Overview Preparation Time Less than 30 minutes Cooking Time 40 minutes Serving Size 1 x 110ml Pot of Rosemary Infused Tallow Main Ingredients: 105g Tallow 13g Fresh Rosemary 15g Eskimo Pork Crackling Crumbs (or homemade) 5g Honey (Optional) Recipe Instructions Set-up the sous-vide machine and set to a temperature of 75c. While the water is heating, put the tallow into a pan and melt it gently on low heat. Once melted, pour the tallow into an airtight metal container. Remove the rosemary leaves from the stems and then add the leaves of rosemary to the metal container and use a spatula to push the rosemary well into the tallow. Place the lid on the pot. Once the sous vide machine is up to temperature, place your metal pot container into the sous vide pot and weight it down so that it doesn't move around (I used a metal doorstop). Set the sous vide timer to 40 minutes. Once the time is up carefully lift the metal container out of the sous vide pot using a slotted spoon, and immediately place it into a bowl of iced cold water. Leave the pot and its contents to cool down a good 15 minutes in the iced water. Remove the lid from the metal container, give the contents a quick mix round with a spatula and then pour the contents through a sieve or cheesecloth bag, into an airtight glass container or jug. The oil should now be free of any bits of rosemary that are retained in the sieve or cheesecloth bag. Place the container in the fridge for 1 hour or so for the tallow to start to harden (but not fully set). Should you wish, you can now add in a little honey and pork crackling crumbs (optional). Give these a good mix around. Place the pot back in the fridge while the tallow hardens. Enjoy your wonderful, rosemary infused tallow! Tips If you only wish to infuse a very tiny hint of rosemary into your tallow, simply use slightly less fresh rosemary. Check out my Beef Crackling recipe for instructions on how to make tallow as well as my Lard and Pork Crackling- Air Fryer recipe to make your own pork crackling to turn into crumbs. The Eskimo Pork Crackling Crumbs are made from fatty bacon from free-range (Hungarian Big White) pork. The Crackling is a thawed, rolled-up piece of bacon cut into even cubes. An excellent raw source of energy and guaranteed free of milk and additives! You can order this, and other wonderful products, from Eskimo Kitchen in Hungary: Ideally, purchase your fat from pasture raised animals that are Nitrate, Nitrite & Additive Free. Any honey or herbs should be of organic quality, and are only recommended in small quantities for those who have recovered from any kind of health condition. Use the Recipe Search functionality on the website to discover how to incorporate Rosemary Infused Tallow into various dishes. Video

  • Mains | Nicola's Kitchen

    Regime Type: Strict PKD (No Allowances), Without Eggs Steak Crackling Burger Patties Introduction & Inspiration These succulent steak crackling burger patties are versatile—you can cook them in the oven or on the BBQ. With their delightful texture, they create a juicy burger experience that pairs perfectly with a wholesome, nutrient-dense burger 'bun'. In the accompanying video, I’ll guide you through making these flavourful patties and assembling a mouthwatering steak burger. I hope you'll enjoy them. X Nic Recipe Overview Preparation Time Less than 30 minutes Cooking Time Less than 30 minutes Serving Size 2 x Tasty Steak Crackling Burger Patties Main Ingredients: 250g Chateaubriand Steak (or similar) 55g Beef Crackling* Salt To Taste Recipe Instructions Chop the steak and beef crackling into smaller pieces with a knife or kitchen scissors. Add the pieces to a mini blender along with some salt. Blend briefly until all the ingredients are well combined, but avoid over blending. Add the mixture to a glass bowl. Place a pastry circle (or burger patty circle) on top of a piece of greaseproof paper. Add half of the patty mixture into the burger patty circle. Use a spoon/burger patty press to press the patty down into a nice burger patty shape. Carefully remove the circle from around the patty. Repeat, to make the second burger patty. If you're not cooking your burger patties straightaway, place the patties in an airtight container in the fridge. Otherwise, go ahead and cook the patties in a shallow dish (to retain the cooking juices) in a 160c oven for 25 minutes, or until cooked to your liking. Drizzle your steak crackling burger patties with any cooking juices to retain a good PKD ratio. Enjoy! Tips Be sure to use a nice, tender piece of steak. Ideally, purchase your meat, fat and offal from pasture raised animals that are Nitrate, Nitrite & Additive Free and use white sea salt or rock salt that contains no anticaking agents or other additives. Check out my Beef Crackling recipe for instructions on how to make this. Use the Recipe Search functionality on the website to discover how to incorporate Tasty Steak Crackling Burger Patties into various dishes, including the delicious Hearty Steak Burger. If you don't have any beef crackling available, then simply use pork back fat, lard, tallow, bone marrow or other animal fat to ensure a good PKD ratio of meat to fat. *The burger patties cook up really well in the oven. A small amount of fat will be rendered during the cooking process (approx. 10g per burger patty), so be sure to pour the juices over your burger at the end to retain a good PKD ratio. If you have an issue with consuming liquid fat, then simply reserve this for another recipe and add some extra fat to the tops of your burger patties to retain a good PKD ratio. Video

  • Mains | Nicola's Kitchen

    Regime Type: Without Eggs, Strict PKD (No Allowances) Oxtail Crunch Rolls Introduction & Inspiration I am always looking for new ways to present simple ingredients that go well together. These oxtail crunch rolls have all the crispiness of the cooked Parma ham combined with the smoothness of the oxtail and whipped oxtail fat filling. All, nicely drizzled with an oxtail sauce reduction that provides a nice intense flavour to the dish. These crunch rolls could also be served as finger food at parties with the sauce served on the side as a dipping sauce. X Nic Recipe Overview Preparation Time Less than 30 minutes Cooking Time Less than 30 minutes Serving Size 1 x Serving Main Ingredients: 4 x Crispy Parma Ham Rolls (60g Weight) 80g Oxtail Leftovers 85g Whipped Oxtail Fat 75ml Oxtail Cooking Juices (to make a Sauce Reduction of approx 40ml) Salt To Taste Recipe Instructions In a pan on low heat, re heat the oxtail leftovers and stir from time to time. While the oxtail is reheating, pour the oxtail cooking juices into a pan and bring it to a boil over a low-medium heat. Cook, until the juices have reduced the liquid to the desired consistency for the sauce reduction. Once the oxtail leftovers are warm, place them in a mini blender to make the meat slightly finer in texture (as we will be using a piping bag ultimately to pipe the ingredients through a large piping nozzle). Once the oxtail leftovers have been blended, add these to a glass bowl along with the whipped oxtail fat. Use a spatula to combine both ingredients well together. Now use a spatula to scoop the ingredients into a piping bag with a large piping nozzle. Assembly of Oxtail Crunch Rolls: Place the Crispy Parma Ham rolls on a plate. Place each roll on its end. Now use your piping bag to pipe the ingredients into each of the rolls until they are full to the top with the mixture. You can now lay each of the filled rolls side by side, in a serving dish. Drizzle the Oxtail Crunch Rolls with the sauce reduction and enjoy! Tips These rolls can also be used as finger food at parties. Simply serve the sauce as a dipping sauce on the side. Ideally, purchase your meat and fat from pasture raised animals that are Nitrate, Nitrite & Additive Free and use white sea salt or rock salt that contains no anticaking agents or other additives. Check out my Oxtail Slow Cooker, Whipped Oxtail Fat and Crispy Parma Ham recipes for instructions on how to make these. Sauce Reduction - In cooking, reduction is the process of thickening and intensifying flavour of a liquid mixture , in this case oxtail cooking juices, by simmering or boiling. Reduction is performed by simmering or boiling the cooking juices until the desired concentration is reached by evaporation. This is done without a lid, enabling the vapour to escape from the mixture. Video

  • Basics | Nicola's Kitchen

    Regime Type: PKD (With Allowances) Basic Tripe Sponge Base Introduction & Inspiration This basic tripe sponge base is amazing in terms of its consistency and taste. It's super versatile and so can be used for making many different delicacies, including layer cakes and Swiss roll style cakes too! The beauty of this base is that it can be made both sweet, or simply enjoyed savoury. You get to decide. If you like this sponge base then try out my other varieties! X Nic Recipe Overview Preparation Time Less than 30 minutes Cooking Time Less than 30 minutes Serving Size 1 x Basic Tripe Sponge Base (Square 21cm x 21cm) Main Ingredients: 35g Pressure Cooked Beef Tripe Leftovers 20g Tallow 105ml Egg Yolk 20g Honey (Optional*) Salt To Taste Recipe Instructions Pre heat the oven to 160c. Place the tallow, pressure cooked tripe, honey (if using) and salt into a pan on low heat. Stir from time to time until all the fat has melted. Remove the pan from the heat and pour the contents into a high speed blender. Add the egg yolk to the blender and blend all the ingredients until they're well combined. Pour the mixture into a lined silicone mould tray. Put the tray on a baking tray and place in the pre-heated oven for 16 minutes. Check often towards the end to ensure it's not getting overcooked. Remove the tray from the oven, and allow the sponge base to rest on the countertop to cool a little, before covering with a piece of larger greaseproof paper and then flipping the sponge out onto the greaseproof paper. Carefully peel off the greaseproof paper used during the cooking process. Your basic tripe sponge base is ready to use. Tips Ideally, purchase your offal and fat from pasture raised animals that are Nitrate, Nitrite & Additive Free and use white sea salt or rock salt that contains no anticaking agents or other additives. Be sure to use free range, organic eggs. Whether you can eat eggs may depend on your condition, medical history, the time you have been doing PKD and your health goals. If you're unsure, please consult with ICMNI in Hungary ( Home - Nutriintervention ). *For a slightly sweet sponge version, add a touch of honey. Any honey should be of organic quality, and is only recommended in small quantities for those who have recovered from any kind of health condition. Check out my Beef Tripe - Pressure Cooker and Beef Crackling (for Tallow) recipes for instructions on how to make these. Use the Recipe Search functionality on the website to discover how to incorporate basic tripe sponge base into various dishes. Vary the silicone mould shape based on your needs. This makes a wonderful heart shaped sponge base for Valentine's Day ;-) If you like this sponge base, be sure to check out my other varieties too! The sponge base has a great PKD ratio. Adjust the fat, based on how much raw tripe your leftovers represent. Video Not Available Yet....

  • Desserts | Nicola's Kitchen

    Regime Type: Without Eggs, Strict PKD (No Allowances) Christmas Crumble Cakes Introduction & Inspiration Very tasty little cakes, which are reminiscent of cornflake cakes, without all the nasties! The ingredients marry wonderfully together, with the touch of honey giving them the perfect sweetness. I hope you will enjoy them! X Nic Recipe Overview Preparation Time Less than 30 minutes Cooking Time Serving Size 5 x Mini Cakes Main Ingredients 2 x Beef Sheets 65g Oven Roasted Bone Marrow 20g Crispy Parma Ham Flakes 20g Honey 5 berries (Optional - Decoration) Lard - frozen & Grated (Optional - Decoration) Recipe Instructions Add the warm bone marrow to a glass bowl. Add in the roughly crushed up beef sheets to the warm bone marrow. Next add in the roughly crushed up Crispy Parma Ham Flakes. Drizzle the honey all over the mixture. Stir all the ingredients well together with a wooden spoon. Scoop approx. 35g of the mixture into each bun case. Place the cakes in the fridge to fully set. Decorate the top with a berry of your choice and a tiny amount of grated frozen lard (Optional) Tips Any ingredients listed as Optional, may or may not be appropriate if you are following Strict PKD with No Allowances. If you are unsure, refer to the Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet Rules document or consult with ICMNI in Hungary ( Home - Nutriintervention ). These little cakes make a wonderful all year-round party treat! If you do not have any lard on hand to decorate the cakes, then you can always sprinkle on some Crispy Parma Ham Flakes or some crushed beef crackling instead. Ideally, purchase your meat from pasture raised animals that are Nitrate, Nitrite & Additive Free. Any honey should be of organic quality, and is only recommended in small amounts for those who have recovered from any kind of health condition. Video Not Available Yet....

  • Basics | Nicola's Kitchen

    Regime Type: PKD (With Allowances) Basic Pulled Pork Sponge Base Introduction & Inspiration It sounds crazy, but this basic pulled pork sponge base is amazing in terms of its consistency and taste. It's super versatile and so can be used for making many different delicacies, including layer cakes and Swiss roll style cakes too! The beauty of this base is that it can be made both sweet, or simply enjoyed savoury. You get to decide. If you like this sponge base then try out my other varieties too! X Nic Recipe Overview Preparation Time Less than 30 minutes Cooking Time Less than 30 minutes Serving Size 1 x Basic Pulled Pork Sponge Base (Square 21cm x 21cm) Main Ingredients: 35g Pulled Pork Leftovers 20g Lard 105ml Egg Yolk 20g Honey (Optional*) Salt To Taste Recipe Instructions Pre heat the oven to 160c. Chop the pork into smaller pieces. Place the lard, pork, honey (if using) and salt into a pan on low heat. Stir from time to time until all the fat has melted. Remove the pan from the heat and pour the contents into a mini blender. Add the egg yolk to the blender and blend until the mixture is smooth. Pour the mixture into a lined silicone mould tray. Put the silicone mould tray onto a baking tray and tap the tray a few times against the kitchen top to ensure the mixture is spread out evenly in the mould tray. Place the baking tray in the pre-heated oven for 16 minutes. Check often towards the end to ensure it's not getting overcooked. Remove the tray from the oven, and allow the sponge to rest on the countertop to cool for 5 minutes, before covering with a piece of larger greaseproof paper and then flipping the sponge out onto the greaseproof paper. Carefully peel off the greaseproof paper used during the cooking process. Your basic pulled pork sponge base is ready to use. Tips Ideally, purchase your offal and fat from pasture raised animals that are Nitrate, Nitrite & Additive Free and use white sea salt or rock salt that contains no anticaking agents or other additives. Be sure to use free range, organic eggs. Whether you can eat eggs may depend on your condition, medical history, the time you have been doing PKD and your health goals. If you're unsure, please consult with ICMNI in Hungary ( Home - Nutriintervention ). *For a slightly sweet sponge base, add a touch of honey. Any honey should be of organic quality, and is only recommended in small quantities for those who have recovered from any kind of health condition. Check out my Lard and Pork Crackling - Air Fryer recipe for instructions on how to make this. Use the Recipe Search functionality on the website to discover how to incorporate basic pulled pork sponge base into various dishes. If you like this sponge base, be sure to check out my other varieties too! The sponge base has a great PKD ratio. Adjust the fat, based on how much raw meat your leftovers represent. Video Not Available Yet....

  • Mains | Nicola's Kitchen

    Regime Type: Without Eggs, Strict PKD (No Allowances) Beef Joint - Oven Roasted Introduction & Inspiration Roasting a joint of beef in the oven is a delightful culinary adventure. Within moments, you’ll be greeted with succulent, moist beef infused with flavorful cooking juices. This dish transforms into a sumptuous Sunday Roast, perfect for those who still cherish this tradition. Whether you prefer your roast beef medium rare or well done, both options promise juicy, satisfying bites. And don’t forget the delightful twist of smoked bacon—it’s a true treat! Bon appétit! Recipe Overview Preparation Time Less than 30 minutes Cooking Time Less than one hour Serving Size 1 x 663g Beef Joint - Oven 68ml Cooking Juices 64g Eskimo Mangalica Smoked Kolozsvari Bacon Fat 127g Eskimo Mangalica Smoked Kolozsvari Bacon Main Ingredients: 762g Joint of Beef (with pork fat round it and butcher's twine removed) 200g Eskimo Mangalica Smoked Kolozsvari Bacon 15ml Lard or Bone Marrow - melted Salt To Taste Recipe Instructions Pre-heat the oven to 180c - Convection. Remove the joint of beef from the fridge and place it in a roasting tin (ideally 30 minutes before cooking). Cover the beef with the melted lard or bone marrow and sprinkle a little salt all over the beef. Insert a digital probe into the beef, positioning the tip right in the centre. This will allow you to monitor the internal temperature of the beef without opening the oven. Cut the smoked bacon into slices on a wooden chopping board (you may need to cut the slices in half). Lay the slices over the top of the joint of beef so that the meat is completed covered. Add the roasting tin to the oven. Cook until the internal temperature is how you like it. I set the digital probe to 57c (for medium) or 60c (for medium - well done) since as the meat rests the heat will rise and continue to cook for a few minutes so you have to stop the cooking process prior to your desired doneness. Once cooked, transfer the beef onto a wooden chopping board and allow the meat to rest for 15-20 minutes. Pour all the juices from the roasting tin into a jar (if not serving straightaway) or else pour the juices into a pan and bring it to a boil over a low-medium heat. Cook, until the juices have reduced to the desired consistency for the sauce reduction. Test the sauce and add any additional seasoning as required. To serve, slice the meat. Place the beef onto serving plates (or a serving platter) and drizzle over some of the reduced down cooking juices. To ensure a good PKD meat : fat ratio, add some whipped tallow or other PKD fat of your choice. Enjoy! Tips For a delicious sauce, once you have reduced down the cooking juices add some warm oven roasted bone marrow to the pan to have a good PKD ratio. Once nice and hot, use a stick blender to froth up the mixture and turn it into a nice frothy, delicious sauce. Ideally use a snug fit roasting tin (i.e. that is only slightly bigger than the joint of beef so that everything stays juicy). Try and purchase all your meat from pasture raised animals that are Nitrate, Nitrite & Additive Free and use white sea salt or rock salt that contains no anticaking agents or other additives. Remove the roast from the heat when it's 5c less than your desired temperature. If you do not have any lard or bone marrow handy, then you can also use tallow. Kolozsvari is a type of traditional smoked bacon from the Cluj-napoca region of Romania. It can be eaten raw as for this recipe, or it can be cooked in the pan and crisps up nicely. You can order this, and many other wonderful products, from Eskimo Kitchen in Hungary Their products are all free from harmful additives and preservatives and they have a wonderful selection of produce. Why not use any leftover roast beef to make some delicious Roast Beef & Smoked Bacon Sandwiches. Video

  • Sauces & Condiments | Nicola's Kitchen

    Regime Type: Without Eggs, Strict PKD (No Allowances) Whipped Bacon Fat Introduction & Inspiration This whipped bacon fat from Eskimo Kitchen's Mangalica Kolozsvari bacon has a lovely silky texture to it and tastes amazing with its nice smoky undertones. It can be used in a number of different recipes from soups to desserts where you're looking for a light and creamy result. X Nic Recipe Overview Preparation Time Less than 30 minutes Cooking Time Less than 30 minutes Serving Size 1 x 80ml Whipped Bacon Fat Main Ingredients: 80g Eskimo Mangalica Smoked Kolozsvari Bacon (or similar) Recipe Instructions Make the bacon fat as per the ' Bacon and Bacon Fat - Smoked' recipe instructions. Allow the bacon fat to cool (overnight ideally) in the fridge. Place the bacon fat in a glass bowl and proceed to whisk the bacon fat on the lowest speed, until you obtain a nice consistency with soft peaks forming. (To Note: If your bacon fat is not quite as firm as you would like it, place the bowl in the freezer for 10 or so minutes and then re-whisk). Your Whipped Bacon Fat is now ready to use. Tips Check out my Bacon and Bacon Fat - Smoked recipe for instructions on how to make the bacon fat. Whipped Bacon Fat, soon melts at room temperature, so be sure to whip the fat to your desired consistency and then place it right back into the fridge until you are ready to use it. If it does melt slightly, it starts to take on more of a double cream consistency which can also be useful for recipes. Ideally, purchase your meat and fat from pasture raised animals that are Nitrate, Nitrite & Additive Free. Use the Recipe Search functionality on the website to discover how to incorporate whipped bacon fat into various dishes. Video Not Available Yet....

  • Basics | Nicola's Kitchen

    Regime Type: Without Eggs, Strict PKD (No Allowances) Pork Crackling Crumbs Introduction & Inspiration Pork crackling crumbs are just so delicious and can be used to sprinkle over different dishes, as well as form an integral part of your recipes. They provide colour, flavour and crunch to enhance your culinary delights. I hope you'll try making them! X Nic Recipe Overview Preparation Time Less than 30 minutes (To Note: Ideally freeze your pork crackling overnight so that it's nice and chilled) Cooking Time N/A Serving Size 100g Pork Crackling Crumbs Main Ingredients: 100g Pork Crackling Recipe Instructions Make the Pork Crackling as per the recipe instructions. Place the pork crackling in the freezer (ideally overnight) to ensure the pork crackling is nice and chilled before turning it into crumbs. Pour the desired quantity of the pork crackling in a small mini-blender, and pulse the ingredients until the pork crackling resembles crumbs. Your Pork Crackling Crumbs are now ready to use. Tips Ideally, purchase your meat and fat from pasture raised animals that are Nitrate, Nitrite & Additive Free and use white sea salt or rock salt that contains no anticaking agents or other additives. Check out my Lard and Pork Crackling recipe for instructions on how to make pork crackling. Use the Recipe Search functionality on the website to discover how to incorporate pork crackling crumbs into various dishes. If the pork crackling is not sufficiently chilled, when you blend it, it will likely turn into a delicious paste, but not the crumb effect we are looking for in this recipe. Video

  • Nicola's Kitchen

    Regime Type: Without Eggs, PKD (With Allowances) Halloween Chocolates Introduction & Inspiration Halloween 'Chocolates' are a great alternative to the more traditional Halloween candy, loaded with all sorts of suspect ingredients! They can be prepared slightly sweet, with a splash of colour or they can be enjoyed plain, to use on more savoury dishes. You decide! A very Happy Halloween! X Nic Recipe Overview Preparation Time Less than 30 minutes ( To Note: The Halloween 'Chocolates' will need to be placed in the freezer for 1 -2 hours to fully set) Cooking Time Less than 30 minutes Serving Size Makes 30 small Halloween 'Chocolates' (it will depend on your mould sizes) Main 'Chocolate' Base Ingredients: 90g Oven Roasted Bone Marrow 50g Lard 20-25g Honey* Optional Colour Variations (add to the 'Chocolate' Base ingredients): Blueberry Coulis Raspberry Coulis Blackberry Coulis Recipe Instructions Roast the bones as per the recipe instructions and then scoop out the marrow and place it with the lard and honey in a pan, on low heat. Keep stirring the mixture until the honey has completely dissolved and the lard and bone marrow have melted. Now pour the mixture into a high speed blender and blend well. Pour the contents of the blender through a sieve (and ideally a cheesecloth), into a glass jug. If you would like your chocolates to have a hint of colour to them, you can now add a little coulis to your base 'chocolate' ingredients. Give this a good stir in. Pour the mixture into your favourite Halloween mould(s) and then place them level, in the freezer, to set. Once the chocolates have set, transfer them from the mould(s) into a glass container with a lid, and keep them in the freezer until you're ready to use them. Tips *For a slight sweetness to your chocolates initially add 15g honey and then taste the mixture. If necessary, add a further 5g of honey and check again. Simply add 5g increments of honey each time until you are happy with the sweetness. You can also completely leave the honey out, and they will still make amazing decorations for your culinary delights! If you do not have any lard on hand, then substitute with tallow. The more coulis you add to the base ingredients, the more likely that this will not set fully, even in the freezer. Ideally, purchase your bones and fat from pasture raised animals that are Nitrate, Nitrite & Additive Free. Any honey and fruit, if using, should be of organic quality, and are only recommended in small quantities for those who have recovered from any kind of health condition. Check out my Oven Roasted Bone Marrow, Lard and Pork Crackling - Air Fryer, Raspberry/Blackberry/Blueberry Coulis recipes for instructions on how to make all of these. Use the Recipe Search functionality on the website to discover how to incorporate Halloween 'Chocolates' into various dishes. Video Not Available Yet....

  • Sauces & Condiments | Nicola's Kitchen

    Regime Type: Without Eggs, Strict PKD (No Allowances) Whipped Bone Marrow Introduction & Inspiration Bone Marrow is extremely nutritious, it contains all the nutrients and substances that the body uses to build, repair, and maintain our living bones and connective tissues. It's great as-is, but when whipped up into a creamy texture it's even more wonderful! Whipped Bone Marrow is particularly versatile for so many recipes and has a lovely look and feel to it as well. It can be piped as a topping or can be added to soups to give them a wonderful creaminess, and so much more! I hope you will give this recipe a try and discover for yourself the many wonders of Whipped Bone Marrow. X Nic Recipe Overview Preparation Time Less than 30 minutes Cooking Time Less than 30 minutes Serving Size 70g Whipped Bone Marrow Main Ingredients: 70g Oven Roasted Bone Marrow Recipe Instructions Pre heat the oven to 200c. Roast the marrow bones in the oven in a baking dish at 200c for 25 minutes. Remove the dish from the oven and allow the bones to cool down a little. Scoop the marrow out of each bone and place it in a glass bowl. Let the marrow cool in the glass bowl on the kitchen counter until it's almost at room temperature. Use a hand whisk to whip the bone marrow to your desired consistency ( This may take up to 10 minutes, and can involve an initial whip up, followed by placing the bowl 5 minutes in the fridge to become a little firmer and then another good whip up, until soft peaks start to form). Once the Whipped Bone Marrow is a good consistency, it's ready to use straightaway in recipes or can be covered and placed in the fridge until you need it. Tips Check out my Braised Beef Cheek – Slow Cooker, Sausage Soup, Beef Tongue and Sausage Soup as well as Oxtail and Sausage Soup recipes for ways to use your Whipped Bone Marrow. Depending on the quantity of Whipped Bone Marrow required, the number of marrow bones to use will vary. Try adding a dash of honey for a hint of sweetness to the bone marrow or else a sprinkle of salt for use in more savoury recipes. Try and source good quality bones from pasture raised animals. Any leftover whipped bone marrow should be covered with clingfilm or placed in an airtight container and stored in the fridge and ideally consumed within 2-3 days. Video Not Available Yet....

  • Sauces & Condiments | Nicola's Kitchen

    Regime Type: Without Eggs, Strict PKD (No Allowances) Greaves Pâté Icing Introduction & Inspiration Greaves Pâté is a great product to use when you're looking for a thick and tasty topping for such things as cakes, buns and 'bread', to mention but a few! Add a touch of honey for a slightly sweeter icing or simply enjoy the savoury version. Both are delicious! The icing is simple to make, remains a good consistency in the fridge, can be piped and still remains moist. What more could you need! X Nic Recipe Overview Preparation Time Less than 30 minutes Cooking Time Less than 30 minutes Serving Size 70ml x Greaves Pâté Icing Main Ingredients: 50g Greaves Pâté 10ml Oxtail Cooking Juices (warm) 5g Honey (Optional) Recipe Instructions Add the greaves pâté to a small bowl and use a fork to mash the greaves pâté down slightly. Add in the warm cooking juices and honey (optional) and then mix everything together with a spoon until well combined. Your Greaves Pâté Icing is ready to use. Tips Ideally, purchase your meat and fat from pasture raised animals that are Nitrate, Nitrite & Additive Free. Any ingredients listed as Optional, may or may not be appropriate if you are following Strict PKD with No Allowances. If you are unsure, refer to the Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet Rules document or consult with ICMNI in Hungary ( Home - Nutriintervention ). Any honey should be of organic quality, and is only recommended in small quantities for those who have recovered from any kind of health condition. Check out my Oxtail - Slow Cooker recipe for instructions on how to make the cooking juices. If you do not have any oxtail cooking juices, substitute with another flavourful broth like beef cheek, lamb etc. Use the Recipe Search functionality on the website to discover how to incorporate Greaves Pâté Icing into various dishes. Greaves Pâté has a high fat content so ensure you pair it with meat as required for a good PKD ratio. Video Not available yet....

  • Basics | Nicola's Kitchen

    Regime Type: Without Eggs, Strict PKD (No Allowances) Beef With Liver Flakes Introduction & Inspiration Beef With Liver Flakes are both nutrient dense and so simple to whip up. They are extremely useful for coating food (as a substitute for flour), the flakes act as a great thickener in recipes and can be incorporated into many main meals or dessert mixtures or buns. They add extra flavour and can be blended to whatever flake size requirements are needed. It's also a great way of getting a touch of liver into your dishes, in a novel way. X Nic Recipe Overview Preparation Time Less than 30 minutes Cooking Time Less than 30 minutes Serving Size 130g Beef With Liver Flakes Main Ingredients: 2 x Beef With Liver Sheets Recipe Instructions Make the Beef With Liver Sheets as per the recipe instructions. Roughly tear up your beef and liver sheets into a food processor, and then place the lid on the processor and set it on high speed for 20 - 30 seconds, or until you achieve the desired flake size. Pour the Beef With Liver Flakes into an airtight container if you are not using them straightaway, and store in the fridge. Your Beef With Liver Flakes are now ready to use. Tips Ideally, purchase your meat from pasture raised animals that are Nitrate, Nitrite & Additive Free. Check out my Beef With Liver Sheets recipe for instructions on how to make this. Use the Recipe Search functionality on the website to discover how to incorporate these wonderful flakes into various dishes. Video Not Available Yet....

  • Snacks, Starters & Apéros | Nicola's Kitchen

    Regime Type: Without Eggs, PKD (With Allowances) Oxtail Munchies Introduction & Inspiration These little buns are packed with flavour and nutrients. They hold their shape well, and yet have a nice soft interior. They have a great PKD ratio as well. Who knew that oxtail could marry so nicely with sour cherries! They are ideal as a healthy light meal when you're on the go, especially while out hiking or on a day trip. I hope you'll give them a try. X Nic Recipe Overview Preparation Time Less than 30 minutes Cooking Time Less than 30 minutes Serving Size 4 x Oxtail Munchies (Mould Tray 5cm diameter, 2cm deep) Main Ingredients: 95g Oxtail Leftovers 40g Beef Crackling 10g Dried Sour Cherries - finely chopped Lard (for greasing) 10g Honey (optional) Decoration (Optional): 5g Dried Sour Cherries 4 x Mini Lard Circles Sprig of Mint Recipe Instructions In a pan on low heat, add the oxtail leftovers and warm them up a little. Once the oxtail is warm, place it in a mini blender, together with the warm beef crackling and the sour cherries (if you have not just made the beef crackling, then heat it up first too). Blend the mixture until the beef crackling is reduced to small bits and all the ingredients are well combined together. Place the mixture from the blender into a bowl. If you would like a slight sweetness to the buns, add a little honey (optional) and mix in. Grease 4 of the small circular holes of a silicone baking mould with the lard. Use a spatula and divide the mixture equally between the four holes, and then use the spatula to smooth the tops of each bun off. Decorate the tops of each bun with sour cherries and little circles of lard (optional). Once the mixture has fully cooled, cover the tray with clingfilm and place the Oxtail Munchies in the fridge, to set fully. Once the Oxtail Munchies have set, remove them from the silicone mould, place them on a serving plate and enjoy! Any leftovers can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge. Tips Ideally, purchase your meat and fat from pasture raised animals that are Nitrate, Nitrite & Additive Free. These buns taste great both savoury and slightly sweet. They are also really handy for taking on picnics or while out hiking and can be made slightly smaller for a good party food option. Any fruit or honey should be of organic quality, and are only recommended in small quantities for those who have recovered from any kind of health condition. Check out my Oxtail - Slow Cooker and Beef Crackling recipes for instructions on how to make these. Video

  • Sauces & Condiments | Nicola's Kitchen

    Regime Type: Without Eggs, Strict PKD (No Allowances) Crunchy Lard Spread Introduction & Inspiration Adding a few pork crackling crumbs to any dish can always be a good idea and I am pleased to say that this spread is no exception. The pork crackling crumbs add a new dimension to the deliciously creamy Eskimo Kitchen lard. Try adding this spread to sandwiches or 'bread' to add some extra texture and flavour. I hope you'll enjoy this one. X Nic Recipe Overview Preparation Time Less than 30 minutes Cooking Time N/A Serving Size 100g Pot of Crunchy Lard Spread Main Ingredients: 80g Lard 15g Eskimo Pork Crackling Crumbs (or homemade version) 5g Honey (Optional) Recipe Instructions Mix all the ingredients together in a small glass bowl. Use a spatula to add the mixture into an airtight glass container. Add a couple of extra pork crackling crumbs on top for decoration. Store in the fridge. Tips This spread is delicious used nice and cold from the fridge. Ideally, purchase your fat and offal from pasture raised animals that are Nitrate, Nitrite & Additive Free and use white sea salt or rock salt that contains no anticaking agents or other additives. Check out my Lard and Pork Crackling - Air Fryer recipe for instructions on how to make your own homemade pork crackling and crumbs. The Eskimo Pork Crackling Crumbs are made from fatty bacon from free-range (Hungarian Big White) pork. The Crackling is a thawed, rolled-up piece of bacon cut into even cubes. An excellent raw source of energy and guaranteed free of milk and additives! You can order this, and other wonderful products, from Eskimo Kitchen in Hungary: Any honey should be of organic quality, and is only recommended in small quantities for those who have recovered from any kind of health condition. Use the Recipe Search functionality on the website to discover how to incorporate Crunchy Lard Spread into various dishes. Any ingredients listed as Optional, may or may not be appropriate if you are following Strict PKD with No Allowances. If you are unsure, refer to the Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet Rules document or consult with ICMNI in Hungary ( Home - Nutriintervention ). Video Not Available Yet....

  • Sauces & Condiments | Nicola's Kitchen

    Regime Type: Strict PKD (No Allowances), Without Eggs Brain Mayonnaise Introduction & Inspiration Discover the creamy delight of a new mayonnaise variation made with brain. Not only does it taste exquisite, but it’s also an excellent alternative for those who can’t tolerate eggs. Packed with nutrients, this simple recipe is a breeze to whip up. As the mayonnaise cools and chills in the fridge, it thickens slightly, achieving the perfect consistency. Use it as a delightful substitute for Philadelphia spread too! For a touch of extra flair, consider adding a touch more water or bone broth to create a slightly runny mayo. The best part? You’re in control! X Nic Recipe Overview Preparation Time Less than 30 minutes Cooking Time Less than 30 minutes Serving Size 100ml Brain Mayonnaise Main Ingredients: 40g Lard 50g Pig Brains - Poached 25ml Water or Bone Broth Salt To Taste Recipe Instructions Prepare the pig brains - poached as per the recipe instructions. Once poached, add the brains to a pan, together with the fat and the water or bone broth and salt. Cook on a low heat for a few minutes until all the fat has melted. Pour the pan juices into a high speed blender and blend until nice and smooth. Pour the contents into an airtight glass container. Once the brain mayonnaise is cool, add the lid and place the pot in the fridge. When you're ready to use the mayonnaise, simply give it a good mix up with a spoon until you achieve the desired consistency. Enjoy! Tips You can also use oven roasted bone marrow if desired. The mayonnaise will be a slightly different colour and set a little harder than the lard in the fridge, but it will still be possible to mix it up into a nice consistency again. Bone Broth can also be used as opposed to water. You can also adjust the amount of liquid, should you wish the mayonnaise to be slightly thicker or runny, depending on preference. The brain mayonnaise is a great way of adding fat to your dishes. For every 10ml of brain mayonnaise used, accompany this with approx.10g of meat for a good PKD ratio. Try and use white sea salt or rock salt that contains no anticaking agents or other additives. Use the Recipe Search functionality on the website to discover how to incorporate brain mayonnaise into various dishes. It's fine to substitute pig brains with veal brains or lamb brains. Video

  • Sauces & Condiments | Nicola's Kitchen

    Regime Type: Without Eggs, Strict PKD (No Allowances) Beef Shin Sauce Introduction & Inspiration Beef Shin or Shank is a wonderful meat, and so it's no surprise that it's cooking juices can be made into a rich and flavourful meat sauce / gravy. By reducing down the wonderful beef shin cooking juices, you achieve a hearty, substantial and deeply satisfying sauce! Try this out. You'll love the flavour profile it adds to your culinary creations. X Nic Recipe Overview Preparation Time Less than 30 minutes Cooking Time Less than 30 minutes Serving Size 90ml Beef Shin Sauce / Gravy Main Ingredients: 180ml Beef Shin Cooking Juices Salt To Taste Recipe Instructions Pour the beef shin cooking juices and a pinch of salt into a pan on medium-high heat. As the temperature increases, the cooking juices will start to reduce down over several minutes. Stir from time to time, to see how thick your sauce / gravy is becoming. Perform a quick taste test to see if it has the intensity you're looking for. (The more the water has been boiled off and the liquid reduced down, the great the flavour profile of the sauce / gravy will become). Once you are happy with the consistency, carefully pour it from the pan into a serving jug ready for use. Your deliciously flavourful Beef Shin Sauce is now ready to use. Tips Check out my Beef Shin - Slow Cooker recipe for instructions on how to make this delicious meat and cooking juices. Use the Recipe Search functionality on the website to discover how to incorporate Beef Shin Sauce into various dishes. Video Not available yet....

  • Sauces & Condiments | Nicola's Kitchen

    Regime Type: Without Eggs, Strict PKD (No Allowances) Whipped Lamb Fat Introduction & Inspiration Recipe Overview Preparation Time Less than 30 minutes Cooking Time Serving Size 1 x 85g Whipped Lamb Fat Main Ingredients: 85g Lamb Fat (from cooking a Leg of Lamb - see the recipe in TIPS below) Recipe Instructions Cook the Leg Of Lamb - Slow Cooked In The Oven as per the recipe instructions and pour all the juices from the roasting tin into a glass jar. Remove the lamb fat layer from on top of the lamb cooking juices once it has set into a solid layer in the fridge. Scrape off any cooking juices from the fat layer. Place the lamb fat in to a medium glass bowl. Use a fork to mash the lamb fat a little so that it's not too hard, before beginning whisking. Plug in an electric hand whisk and proceed to whisk the lamb fat on the lowest speed, until you obtain a nice consistency with soft peaks forming, and then increase the speed and continue to whisk until you achieve your desired level of firmness. Cover the bowl with some clingfilm and place the Whipped Lamb Fat it into the fridge until you are ready to use it. Tips Check out my Leg of Lamb - Slow Cooked in the Oven recipe for instructions on how to cook lamb, which provides you with the lamb fat as part of the cooking process. Whipped Lamb Fat, appears more stable at room temperature than Oxtail fat and holds it shape better. However be sure to whip the fat to your desired consistency and then place it right back into the fridge until you are ready to use it, especially on a warm day. Why not add a tiny amount of honey to your Whipped Lamb Fat to offer a slightly sweet whipped cream effect, perfect for your dessert recipes. ( Any honey should be of organic quality, and is only recommended in small amounts for those who have recovered from any kind of health condition.) Use the Recipe Search functionality on the website to discover how to incorporate Whipped Lamb Fat into various dishes. Video Not Available Yet....

  • Mains | Nicola's Kitchen

    Regime Type: Without Eggs, Strict PKD (No Allowances) Tasty Pork Crackling Burger Patties Introduction & Inspiration These pork crackling burger patties are deliciously juicy and tasty, with a slight chewiness thanks to the pork crackling. They are perfect as they are, and also taste wonderful on flat bottom pork muffins too. Making these patties couldn't be easier. So go on, give them a try! X Nic Recipe Overview Preparation Time Less than 30 minutes Cooking Time Less than 30 minutes Serving Size 2 x Tasty Pork Crackling Burger Patties (9cm diameter) Main Ingredients: 150g Pork Shoulder 70g Pork Crackling Salt To Taste Topping 2 Tsp Bone Marrow Mayonnaise (Optional) or other fat * Recipe Instructions Cut the pork and crackling into small cubes and then add them to a mini blender, together with some salt. Blend briefly, until all the ingredients are well combined, but avoid over blending. Place a pastry circle (or burger patty circle) on top of a piece of greaseproof paper. Add half of the patty mixture from the blender into the circle. Use a spoon/burger patty press to press the patty down into a nice burger patty shape. Carefully remove the circle from around the patty. Repeat, to make the second burger patty. If you're not cooking your burger patties straightaway, place the patties in an airtight container in the fridge, otherwise go ahead and cook the patties in the oven until cooked to your liking. Add a little bone marrow mayonnaise to the tops of your burger patties when serving and drizzle with any cooking juices. Enjoy! Tips Ideally, purchase your meat, fat and offal from pasture raised animals that are Nitrate, Nitrite & Additive Free and use white sea salt or rock salt that contains no anticaking agents or other additives. Use the Recipe Search functionality on the website to discover how to incorporate tasty pork crackling burger patties into various dishes. *The burger patties cook up really well in the oven. Some fat will be rendered during the cooking process so be sure to pour this back over your burgers once cooked. Add some bone marrow mayonnaise (or other animal fat if you are avoiding eggs) to the tops of your burger patties to retain a good PKD ratio. If you don't have any pork crackling available, then simply use beef crackling, pork back fat, lard, tallow, bone marrow or other animal fat to ensure a good PKD ratio of meat to fat. Any ingredients listed as Optional, may or may not be appropriate if you are following Strict PKD with No Allowances. If you are unsure, refer to the Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet Rules document or consult with ICMNI in Hungary ( Home - Nutriintervention ). Video Not Available Yet....

  • Mains | Nicola's Kitchen

    Regime Type: Without Eggs, Strict PKD (No Allowances) Tripe Buns Introduction & Inspiration Tripe buns are a great way to start introducing tripe into your repertoire of offal. It has a very mild flavour and combines nicely with the other ingredients. The buns are both moist on the inside and yet do not fall apart despite using no eggs. They are nice to eat plain, with a little pâté on top, or with a touch of honey or fruit coulis for a slightly sweeter version. Give them a try and see what you think. X Nic Recipe Overview Preparation Time Less than 30 minutes Cooking Time Less than 30 minutes Serving Size 6 x Tripe Buns Main Ingredients: 200g Pressure Cooked Beef Tripe 90g Bone Marrow Liquid 15g Pork Jelly Cubes 15g Honey (Optional*) Salt To Taste Recipe Instructions Pre Heat the oven to 160c. Add all the ingredients to a pan on low-medium heat and cook until all the pork jelly cubes have melted and all the ingredients are warm. Stir from time to time. Use a spatula to add the pan ingredients into a high speed blender. Blend until the mixture is nice and smooth. Divide the mixture evenly between the individual silicone bun cases and use the back of a spoon to level off the tops of the buns. Place the bun cases on a baking tray and cook for 20 minutes. Once done, brown the buns for a couple of minutes. Keep an eye on the buns towards the end of the cooking to ensure they do not burn! Allow the buns to cool once out of the oven before serving. You can also allow them to cool fully, before placing them in an airtight container in the fridge to have cold. Tips Ideally, purchase your offal and fat from pasture raised animals that are Nitrate, Nitrite & Additive Free and use white sea salt or rock salt that contains no anticaking agents or other additives. *These buns can simply be more savoury in nature by omitting the honey. Add a little extra touch of salt too for the savoury version. Any ingredients listed as Optional, may or may not be appropriate if you are following Strict PKD with No Allowances. If you are unsure, refer to the Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet Rules document or consult with ICMNI in Hungary ( Home - Nutriintervention ). Any honey should be of organic quality, and is only recommended in small quantities for those who have recovered from any kind of health condition. 'Browning' Some functions of ovens enable you to brown the surface of the food by activating the grill once cooking is complete. When using the 'Browning' setting on your oven, monitor closely the crust so that it doesn't burn at the last minute. Check out my Pork Jelly Cubes, Lard and Pork Crackling - Air Fryer, Bone Marrow Liquid and Crumbs and Beef Tripe - Pressure Cooker recipes for instructions on how to make these. Thanks to the pork jelly, these buns will become more sturdy once they have had chance to cool down. Once in the fridge, they will still remain moist inside. Video

  • Mains | Nicola's Kitchen

    Regime Type: PKD (With Allowances) Meat Flake Buns Introduction & Inspiration I love creating buns out of nutrient dense ingredients, that don't require the use of traditional flour. The meat flakes allow the creation of such lovely buns and provide wonderfully moist and flavoursome balls of goodness, with no real effort. The sour cherries add an extra dimension to the flavour profile. They are ideal both warm and cold, as a snack or a main meal, and are very portable when out and about. I hope you will give them a try. X Nic Recipe Overview Preparation Time Less than 30 minutes Cooking Time Less than 30 minutes Serving Size 12 x Meat Flake Buns Main Ingredients: 40g Lard 60g Egg Yolk 130g Beef Tripe With Beef Flakes 10g Sour Cherries (chopped into little bits) 50g Crispy Parma Ham Flakes Pinch of Salt (Optional) 35g Honey (Optional - for a slightly sweeter bun as a Dessert option) Decoration (Optional for Spring): 1 Easter Chick 4 x Spring 'Chocolate' Shapes Recipe Instructions Pre heat the oven to 175c. Place the Beef Tripe With Beef Flakes and the Parma Ham Flakes into a glass bowl and mix them both together. Add the egg yolks and combine with the flakes until the egg yolks are fully incorporated. Now, add the lard and use a spatula to cream the lard well into the other ingredients. Add the sour cherries and a pinch of salt (optional) into the bowl, and mix well until fully incorporated with the rest of the mixture. Add the honey (optional for a slightly sweet, as opposed to savoury bun) and give the mixture a good final mix together so that everything is well combined. Use a small ice cream scoop and fill it with the bun mixture. Use a spatula to level off the top. Place the scoop of mixture on to a lined baking tray. Proceed as per the above steps, until you have used up all your mixture. Place the baking tray with your Meat Flake Buns on, into the centre of the oven and cook for 10-12 minutes. Remove the baking tray from the oven and place on a heat resistant mat on your countertop for the buns to cool down slightly - 10 or so minutes. Serve warm, or cold. Both taste delicious. Any leftovers can be placed in an airtight glass container and stored in the fridge. Tips These buns also taste great without the honey too. They are more savoury tasting and make a great snack. Ideally, purchase your meat from pasture raised animals that are Nitrate, Nitrite & Additive Free and use white sea salt or rock salt that contains no anticaking agents or other additives. Be sure to use free range, organic eggs. Whether you can eat eggs may depend on your condition, medical history, the time you have been doing PKD and your health goals. If you're unsure, please consult with ICMNI in Hungary ( Home - Nutriintervention ). Any fruit or honey should be of organic quality, used in small quantities, and are only recommended for those who have recovered from any kind of health condition. Check out my Beef Tripe Flakes, Spring 'Chocolate' Shapes and Crispy Parma Ham Flakes recipes for instructions on how to make these. Video Not Available Yet....

  • Gadget review: release of new Airy Pods | Nicola's Kitchen

    < Back Gadget review: release of new Airy Pods Daniel Williams Mar 21, 2023 This is placeholder text. To change this content, double-click on the element and click Change Content. This is placeholder text. To change this content, double-click on the element and click Change Content. Want to view and manage all your collections? Click on the Content Manager button in the Add panel on the left. Here, you can make changes to your content, add new fields, create dynamic pages and more. Your collection is already set up for you with fields and content. Add your own content or import it from a CSV file. Add fields for any type of content you want to display, such as rich text, images, and videos. Be sure to click Sync after making changes in a collection, so visitors can see your newest content on your live site. Previous Next

  • Best smart wearables of 2023 | Nicola's Kitchen

    < Back Best smart wearables of 2023 Sean Michaels Mar 22, 2023 This is placeholder text. To change this content, double-click on the element and click Change Content. This is placeholder text. To change this content, double-click on the element and click Change Content. Want to view and manage all your collections? Click on the Content Manager button in the Add panel on the left. Here, you can make changes to your content, add new fields, create dynamic pages and more. Your collection is already set up for you with fields and content. Add your own content or import it from a CSV file. Add fields for any type of content you want to display, such as rich text, images, and videos. Be sure to click Sync after making changes in a collection, so visitors can see your newest content on your live site. Previous Next

  • Mains | Nicola's Kitchen

    Regime Type: Without Eggs, Strict PKD (No Allowances) Beef Tartare - PKD Style Introduction & Inspiration Beef tartare, a delightful dish, features finely chopped high-quality raw beef blended with seasonings. Served either at room temperature or slightly chilled, this variation departs from the traditional recipe by omitting egg yolk. For those that cannot consume eggs right now, I’ve crafted a version using egg-free mayonnaise, which imparts a creamy finish to the wonderfully tender meat. The result? A taste that’s simply wonderful—perfect for savouring during the hot summer months! X Nic Recipe Overview Preparation Time Less than 30 minutes (To Note: Add a glass bowl to the freezer a few hours ahead of making the recipe) Cooking Time N/A Serving Size 1 x Beef Tartare - PKD Style (11cm Diameter) Main Ingredients: 135g Beef Fillet 40g Creamy Sauce Dip 30g Bone Marrow Salt To Taste Decoration (Optional) 1 Radish - Cut into Quarters Parsley Leaves - Fresh Recipe Instructions A few hours ahead of making the beef tartare, place a glass bowl in the freezer so it's nice and cold. Cut the beef fillet into thin strips, and then cut the strips into small cubes. Place the beef cubes into a bowl and reserve in the fridge. Remove the bowl from the freezer and add the beef. Next add some salt. Use a spatula to give the ingredients a good mix up. Drain the soaked bone marrow, pat dry, then push the marrow out of the centre of the bone. Slice this into small cubes. Add the cubes to the bowl and stir in with the beef. Now, add the creamy sauce dip to the bowl and give the mixture a good stir. Perform a quick taste test to see if any additional seasoning is required. Place a pastry circle in the centre of a serving plate. Around the circle you can scatter a few fresh parsley leaves and radish quarters for decoration (optional). Add the beef tartare mixture to the pastry circle and press down to level the mixture out. Carefully remove the pastry circle from around the beef and place a parsley leaf on top for decoration. Your beef tartare - PKD Style is ready to serve! Tips Serve the Beef Tartare immediately while it's nice and cold. You can briefly refrigerate to get a slight chill, but only for about 15 minutes before you eat. Slice the beef as quickly as possible (being careful obviously!) to ensure the meat remains nice and cold. Ideally, purchase your meat and fat from pasture raised animals that are Nitrate, Nitrite & Additive Free and use white sea salt or rock salt that contains no anticaking agents or other additives. Any ingredients listed as Optional, may or may not be appropriate if you are following Strict PKD with No Allowances. If you are unsure, refer to the Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet Rules document or consult with ICMNI in Hungary ( Home - Nutriintervention ). Any herbs should be of organic quality, and are only recommended in small quantities for those who have recovered from any kind of health condition. Check out my Creamy Sauce Dip recipe for instructions on how to make this. Video Not Available Yet....

  • Basics | Nicola's Kitchen

    Regime Type: Without Eggs, Strict PKD (No Allowances) Brains - Poached Introduction & Inspiration Brains are a very nutrient dense ingredient, however they may be off-putting initially and so a key way to introduce them into your diet is by disguising them. Using them in various recipes including dressings, creamy dessert sauces, mayonnaises and even ice cream, can be a great way to overcome the initial reticence associated with using them. Poaching the brains in water allows them to retain their creamy texture and will make cooking or frying them a little easier as they will become a little firmer as well. X Nic Recipe Overview Preparation Time Less than 30 minutes Cooking Time Up to 30 Minutes* Serving Size 166g Lamb Brains - Poached Main Ingredients: 170g Lamb Brains Salt Recipe Instructions Gently rinse the brains under running water to remove any bone fragments and remove as much of the outer membrane as you can. Soak the brains for 30 minutes in water and some salt to get the blood out. Now drain off the water and fill with clean water and salt and allow to soak a further 30 minutes. The water should run clear. This helps the brains keep a light colour. Drain off the water and place the brains in a pan of fresh water and bring the water to a boil, before turning down to a simmer (not boiling). Cook for 15 minutes until the brains have firmed up. Allow the brains to cool in the liquid. Check for membranes which will look like a cloudy veil, and if there are any, try and peel them off. If you are going to use the brains straightaway then you can pat them dry with a paper towel. Otherwise, reserve the cooking liquid as you may use this to store brains if needed (up to two days). Your poached brains are now ready! Tips Brains are extremely perishable, so purchase them as fresh as possible and aim to use them within 24 hours. Ideally, purchase your meat and offal from pasture raised animals that are Nitrate, Nitrite & Additive Free and use white sea salt or rock salt that contains no anticaking agents or other additives. Use the Recipe Search functionality on the website to discover how to incorporate Brains - Poached into various dishes. After cooking, the brains end up tasting reminiscent of a firm ricotta, or another mild cheese. They blend nicely into the background and make a nutrient dense breakfast for the PKD and offal enthusiast. Brains are a very nutrient dense ingredient, however they may be off-putting initially and so a key way to introduce them into your diet is by disguising them. Using them in a creamy dessert sauce can be a great way to overcome the initial reticence associated with using them. Poaching the brains in water allows them to retain their creamy texture and will make cooking or frying them a little easier as they will become a little firmer. *You can poach various type of brains using the exact same method. The only thing to change slightly is the cooking time. Poach pig or calf brains for 20 minutes and beef brains for 30 minutes. Video Not Available Yet....

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